Almofada de Penas - Animation
Animation process of the short filme Almofada de Penas
2D animation based in the brazilian legend of M´Boitatá
Mc Donald´s #mc é mc - filme hamburguer
Jornal a Hora - junte e ganhe
Mormaii - Predator
Retro Badass
Double Decker Planalto
Dia da Animação 2018
Stop-motion animation for the Animation Day 2018
Mormaii SWAP
3D Animation, for JR Adamver´s Mormaii SWAP
Tiozinho - walkcycle
Torresani 25 anos - stop motion
Stop-motion animated film for the 25th aniversary of Torresani
CREA - Still Terra
Still image for CREA-SC
Intelbras - Radiocomunicador RC 5000
Fuscão / Beetle
Beetle modeled in 3D
3D Printed Expressions / Replacement Animation
3d printed expressions for replacement stop motion animation of the characters of the shoort film Almofada de Penas.
Caixa Poupança - vídeo interno
freelance with Hammer studio to Caixa Econômica Federal
Snow & Stella - oppening
Openning scene for a children game, Snow & Stella
Dia dos Namorados Imaginarium - Teaser 2015
Video for Imaginarium Valentine´s day 2015
Tirol Carrossel
3D image still for Greenval,
Projeto Rio Tigre - videos 1 e 2
Animation for ONG ELOVERDE, for the project Revitalização dos rios de Erechim - etapa 2.
Farewell and Goodbye
Illustration in photoshop
thinking faquir
Girino - tadpole
other illustrations
Animal de Teta
animation just for fun
two buds
little animation just for fun
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